*pulcino*love panna cotta!

MESH nails Resesed!!

This is the nail of gingham check.
I stuck the lace ribbon border in the gingham checked pattern in the middle.
This is a bright color that stands out.

no mod/no trans
group limited Luckyboard!!
10min cycle


*pulcino* in Second Life: メッシュネイルHUDの使い方(日本語)
*pulcino* in Second Life: HOW TO USE MESH NAIL HUD(English)

I’m Wearing:
skin *(OO)*YUKI_Hana Brown Eyebrow NT
make (*ANGELICA) YOUR LIP GLOSS #3 cherry
ears (FEMALE)_[MANDALA]FANTASY_ELF_Ears(wear Me!)**
eyes [UMEBOSHI] Mirror 2 eyes gift -Gold Aqua- (large)
hair Magika [03] Shine
necktattoo B.C.C Summer Vacation Tattoo Pink Ribbon RARE
cloth :SMC: Rompers-BLK
bracelet ASO! Stone Bijou (coral)
ASO! Stone Bijou (lapis lazuli)
pose *:..LG2..:*nail pose_3

*pulcino* Flagship store, Kourinbou (18, 66, 22)

Kiyomizu shopping mall