
MESH nails Resesed!!

I made ​​a nail that was transparent to the point of the nail.
The base of the nail has become faint gradation.
I was aiming for freshness like early summer.
I can change color to a total of 10 colors.

no mod/no trans
group limited Luckyboard!!
10min cycle


*pulcino* in Second Life: メッシュネイルHUDの使い方(日本語)
*pulcino* in Second Life: HOW TO USE MESH NAIL HUD(English)

I’m Wearing:
skin *(OO)*YUKI_Jela Gacha Skin 03
ears [][]Trap[][] Short Gelf Ears Low
eyes [UMEBOSHI] Zen eyes -Gold Silver-
hair booN MOM288 hair chocolate
tops [MotiAme] Sheer Blouse 2 - Blue
inner [MotiAme] Bustier - Blue
bracelet B.C.C Vintage Pom Pom Flower Ivory Set
pose FAp 196

*pulcino* Flagship store, Kourinbou (18, 66, 22)A

Kiyomizu shopping mall